Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On the streets

We walked the streets of KL and posed as some fashion journalists. (hmm, we can be considered as one). And we targeted the most fashionable and trendy girls and asked them 1 simple question : .... "How important are accessories to you?"

- "I can be just wearing a plain black top and a pair of jeans. I'll look plain, but a perfect pair of chandelier ear rings will just add glamour to the look."
(Jay, 28, Marketing manager)

- "Very. I don't need to revamp my wardrobe often. In fact I have a few simple pieces, all I need is to get many many accessories to mix and match."
(Chia Mei, 25, teacher)

- "I love them. I got stuff in every colour and size. Its just so much fun to dress up for a weekend out with friends."
(Shalina, 17, student)

- "I just bought my self a pair of purple dangling ear rings. It will look so good with this choker that I bought too. And I always buy accessories to reward myself. This is for all my midnight oil burning.
(NurAslina, 20, student)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Black is the new gold.
Simple, sophisticated and elegant.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's all about fashion


Do have a stash of basics on hand: T-shirts, jeans, black shawl
* Try something that's "not you" once in a while.
* Hold on to a few of your favorite outdated pieces. You never know!
* Add a couple of stylish pieces to your wardrobe each season.
* Do buy your accessories with a thought in mind, that you can pair   
  them with at least 3 pieces that you already have.
* Always wear your size. Clothes that are too small really do not look 
* The perfect little black dress. Every closet should have one.
* Emphasize your best feature: nice face shape, healthy hair
* Invest in a scarf that goes with the colors you wear most.
* Get a good bag that will last for years, big enough for all your 
  essentials, but not too big.
* Keep your jewelry organized. Even egg cartons or plastic silverware  
  trays will do.
* Don't over accessorize.
* Force yourself to wear something for somebody else.
* Anything that's obviously left over from days of Einstein
* Wear jewelry that jingles when you walk.
* Pierce your ears more than twice in each lobe. Never wear earrings 
  so heavy that they stretch your lobes. 
* Mix your metals. Silver jewelry is out of the question if your jacket
  has gold buttons.
* Wear rhinestones before 6 p.m.
* Squeeze a large neck into a dainty choker. It just doesn't work.

Monday, April 7, 2008


at·ti·tude - (āt'ĭ-tōōd', -tyōōd') Pronunciation Key n.

1. A position of the body or manner of carrying oneself: stood in a graceful attitude.
2. A state of mind or a feeling; disposition: had a positive attitude about work.
3. A position similar to an arabesque in which a ballet dancer stands on one leg with the other
raised either in front or in back and bent at the knee.

[French, from Italian attitudine, from Late Latin aptitūdō, aptitūdin-, faculty; see aptitude.] at'ti·tu'di·nal (-tōōd'n-əl, -tyōōd'-) adj., at'ti·tu'di·nal·ly adv.